Form C: Daily Record of Cotton Picked won first place in The Uncommon Threads exhibition at Southern California Open Regional Exhibitions. The exhibition is online and you can view it here. A second piece was also accepted for this exhibition. Earlier this year, I posted about this piece and the process behind it. I'm thrilled. There is an online reception and award ceremony tomorrow December 4th, from 5-7pm. If you'd like to attend, let me know and I will send you the zoom link.

There's nothing more powerful in this world than being seen. And having this recognition sends me back into the studio with renewed vigor. I began making art to regain my spirit and find a place to speak. I'm trusting this road.

My open studio the first week of November went well. For those of you who couldn't come, I missed you and you missed me freezing my butt off. There were many friends who did come by, but there was one person who I didn't know at all. He was an art collector and was looking for larger work. It kicked my butt in gear to try large works on paper. This piece is a print of a geranium leaf and is 16"x20". It's pure print-making with no additional media. Printmaking produces multiples, so here's the other two.

Anyone have an opinion as to your favorite one. I'm still deciding.
All this good stuff has happened and I am so thankful. Tom has enabled me by letting me have the garage as a studio space. My friends have encouraged me to keep going. Scout has been a good dog - mostly. My mentor Lisa Kokin has been beyond valuable with her experience and advice. My bookkeeping clients have been steady and a pleasure to work with. There's a lot to thank, but I'm just grateful for the journey. Hope to see you on the road!