Roughly twenty years ago, I bought my first copy of the Women Artist datebook published by the Syracuse Cultural Worker. I was a student at New College and wandered up Valencia to Modern Times Bookstore. At the time, I worked 80% and took a full college course load. I needed a datebook to keep my days organized. Buying a paper calendar in the year 2002 was only slightly anachronistic. Today, it's absolutely radical.
Also Absolutely radical is giving a paper calendar as a gift. Many of you receive this gift every year. Some of you have an actual use, and some of you must marvel at why you would need such a thing. What the gift is really about though is the ongoing dose of art and poetry created by women.
In these twenty years, I have dreamed of submitting and being included in this space. Back in October, I gathered my courage and submitted five pieces to the datebook committee. The committee selected Coyote Flings the Stars for the 2023 datebook. I will be sharing this gift (of course) during holiday time, and may widen the circle of women I gift to.
This achievement comes after a number of rejections and nearly falling prey to a clever art scam. It also comes days before my 51st birthday. What an excellent present to receive.
Headland is a work in progress. I have been experimenting with torn paper on the gelatin plate to see what images I can attain. This landscape should like familiar to folks in the Bay Area. I like the drama of the lights and darks, and will see how far I can push this work.
You can spin paper and make thread out of it. Some years ago I painted Himalayan lokta paper for a project and had some small pieces left over. First, I folded and then cut the paper in skinny strips leaving a bare 1/8" at the edge. I pulled apart every other edge until I had a string. I used my high-whorl spindle to twist into a tight thread. It helps to get a leader started with your thumb and forefinger and to make sure your paper is slightly damp. I re-spin it a few times to achieve the diameter I want. There is a project in mind using this material so stay tuned.
My dear friend Michael Lownie has a piece upcoming in the de Young's web gallery. Years ago he started a missing person series commemorating friends lost to HIV. It's good to see Michael's work in such a prestigious place.
Open studios June 4th and 5th and June 11th and 12th: Save the dates. I will be featuring a small gallery of recent works. All art featured will be for sale. I hope you can stop by.
Thanks for reading to the bottom!
I just saw Coyote Flings the Stars when I was flipping through my planner and it made me stop what I was doing to come to the internet to look for you. What a beautiful piece, thank you so much for sharing it with us paper calendar users!
Congrats for getting into It’s OK to Laugh! Thank you for your comment and I was sorry to miss the Zoom artist chat. All the best! Are you on Instagram?